Saturday, July 28, 2007

FTIA celebration of Children pictures

Well, it did not rain- it was misty on the drive to the picnic and it misted us once during the day- but other than an overcast sky, the day was perfect.

Here are some of my pictures- tomorrow I will post pictures from Mam's camera and hopefully in the next few days I will get pictures from all the other mommas to post out here.

So to start you off: Little Bug climbing the stairs to the slide. He was not too sure at first, but then another little one went down and he was all for it.

See the excitement!!!! He liked this slide!!! Perfect for an almost 2 year old big boy to play on. This was the other slide that I let him go on, it was smaller than the previous slide and was smack in the middle of a sand box. I decided that a sandy Little Bug was not the thing to put in the car for the ride home, so we went back to the other slide- which he like much more.
We took a turn on the teeter-totter. This is Little Bug deciding he was "all done" in the middle of the ride.
A turn on the swings that are really for slightly older kids (he nearly feel off backwards at the end, but Momma was very vigilant and caught him. He thought it was not so funny as momma tried to laugh it off in the hopes that he would not start crying. It did not work, and there were a few tears (he only napped for 15 minutes on the ride to the picnic and this is about 3 hours after nap time).
Swinging with Martha-Kelly. Some how, we always end up with pictures of Martha-Kelly and the Little Bug even when the Little Bug's future wife is near by. Yes, I have him married off to a wonderful little girl (they are all wonderful). her Momma is not going to let her date for many years (read after college- which is right on track with my plan for the Little Bug. Yes, you all can laugh now and remind me that I wrote this when he is 16 and wanting to date.)

We rode the carousel. When it started up, Little Bug's face just lite up with excitement, then the horse started moving up and down and he was not to sure. By the end of the ride, he was loving it and before we left the play area, we had to ride again.

Momma, trying to get him to wave to the camera- he was not letting go of the ride.

On to the pictures for Little Bug's first family. Here is Little Bug on Stephen's tractor. Little Bug loved it and I am reconsidering his birthday present.
Little Bug and Stephen trying to figure out who was going to be playing with the tractor. Stephen was not pleased with Little Bug for playing with his toy.
A compromise is reached. Little Bug will push Stephen.
They are off and running!!!
Having a great time together.
Waving to Stephen's Momma- she had better send me the picture- I think this is one that is the best.
Although, this picture is too cute. Just checking each other out. They appeared not to have any memory of each other which is sad. But they were playing happily together by the end of the day. Hopefully Stephen will be able to come to Little Bug's birthday celebration in 2 weeks and then we will go to Stephen's birthday celebration in September. Stephen's dad promised us a ride on the real tractor and a chance to pet a real cow (they are farmers)!!!!!

Tomorrow, I hope to have more pictures and I am going to talk about Little Bug's names.

Love to you all,

Momma Bug

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