Friday, August 10, 2007

Start of the birthday weekend

So the pictures from yesterday that I could not post due to blogger being a pain.

Little Bug climbing on to the couch- he basically runs and sort of jumps up. This was his 3rd try and he was pretty frustrated with the couch.

Very proud of himself for getting up on the couch.
Throwing a fit because he wants Momma and I am sitting on the love seat- I see this face pretty often. After this he motioned for me to come sit by him. I guess he figured that since he had taken the time to get up on the couch, he was not getting down.
So, a group picture of Momma and Little Bug on the couch. A much happier Little Bug.

Well, I could not figure out how to get his chalk board hung up this weekend without doing it while he slept (so not going to happen) or locking him in his room (really not going to happen), so tonight after picking him up from daycare, I hung up the chalk board while he watched. At one point, he was playing with the stud finder while I was working on the chalk board and unfortunately I do not have pictures of that- it was entertaining though. The pictures make it look like he was not excited about this chalkboard- that would be 180 degrees from what his mood was- he was so excited, he was talking up a storm, drawing with all the colors and just beaming. I managed to get some of it on the video camera for Mireya and family- it was very cute.

Also, what was the first thing he did with the chalk when I got the chalk unwrapped? Any guesses- YES, that is correct, he drew on the wall not the chalk board. I am so happy I started him out with chalk. It came right off the wall with a paper towel.

Some scribbles from Little Bug and a note from Momma to Little Bug.
Busy drawing- he played for 30 minutes at the chalk board!!
One very happy Little Bug
Loving his chalk board and chalk!!
Putting away his chalk when he was done. I was going to let him play some more, but he decided to put away the chalk and then he asked for a bottle and some books to be read to him. He still calls his bottle a "TU".
Here are some pictures from our morning. At this point it is just after 7 am and Little Bug has been wide awake since 5:30 am- yes that is correct 5:30am!!! He is happy, Momma is grouchy from not getting all her sleep. We had yogurt for breakfast. Little Bug ate 1/2 a container. I try not to make food an issue with him..If he tells me he is done, then he is done. If he comes back to me 30 minutes later hungry (OK, that would on the weekends), then I offer him cheese or fruit. Occasionally, if I think he has not eaten enough protein, I offer yogurt or turkey. he usually will eat something. I don't want him to feel like he has to eat just because he has not finished what is on his plate- that leads to food issues and can turn into a life long battle with obesity. I figure my food issues and weight issues are enough for one family, no sense in passing my bad habits on to him.

Loving his yogurt
Just playing with me. He wanted the camera
This is what I see every morning when I drop him off at daycare- he hangs on the railing at my sister's house watching me leave. he is waving and I am waving from the car (I am still in the driveway here). Apparently he is also playing peek-a-boo with me using the railing to hide behind!!! He is typically more interested in the dog each morning than telling me good bye. I am thankful that I am faced with a screaming Little Bug or a crying Little Bug, I am not sure I could handle that.
Well, I managed to get none of the house cleaned this week after work, so tomorrow is a busy day. We have an appointment for me to give blood in the morning, then we'll come home and Little Bug will nap and I can clean, then we have a picnic at the park with the local support group for families with children from Guatemala, so that is part of the afternoon, then back home for playtime and dinner, then Little Bug to bed and more cleaning for Momma and then bed time so that we can be rested for Sunday which is the big bash. I posted some pictures from his first birthday over in the side bar area.
Love to you all,
Momma Bug

Edited: It is 9:43 pm- I can not figure out why blogger has not posted this entry.

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