Wednesday, August 29, 2007

OK, OK, pictures for you all

OK- I hear you guys!!! So on to the pictures and then more news.

Little Bug sacked out from playtime with MK2 and Y. We stayed passed his nap time and this is what happened 2 minutes into the car ride home. Getting Ms at Pap's house. Pap is teaching him to put the penny in the machine and turn the handle to get candy. Note, Pap was quite upset the first time they tried this and I said NO. We were going to eat and I know that Little Bug has a small stomach some days. But occasional, he can have Ms from Pap's candy machine.
Sitting in Pap's chair- it does not look like it, but if Little Bug stood up, he would not be taller than the back of the chair. The chair has a name- MONSTER. I sit in it and can't even touch the floor.
Eating in the sunlight. I don't like the expression- he was telling me NO but I love the way the sunlight is coming through his hair. He was telling me NO for a question I asked, NO is his favorite answer- he tells me NO for everything and I am not sure he understands what he is saying, he just likes the word.

Being silly at the store.
This is my smooth operator in action- get the girl's attention
arm around the neck so she can't get away- in for the kiss. She never stood a chance against this kid's plan.
A view from the other side. MK2 did not know what hit her- he kept giving her kisses.
News for Mireya and family- Monday is a holiday here in the US- Little Bug and I will be calling during the day on Monday to wish Momi Mireya a very happy birthday!!!
Other news:
I had my first foster/adoption class tonight. It was the same orientation class I took 2 years- almost to the day- I am going to have pull out my card from then and check dates, but I think I am exactly 2 years from my previous classes. The same foster/adoptive parent is teaching the class- Theresa. It was good to see a familiar face. I have to say, the class was same, but I was very different. I was in tears many times- Little Bug's adoption has changed me so much. I really get what is being said- it is real to me, not just a fact or concept to be stored away. When Theresa talked about having a child moved to adoptive home after she fostered, I understood the toll that takes, when she talked about the history that a child brings with them, I got it. When we watched a movie about a boy who was in 38 placements (foster homes, group homes and hospital facilities) in 13 years of life, I really got the emotional impact that those moved had on him and his desire to just go home, to be with those who loved him best of all. The young man kiled himsefl from the pain of just wanted to be with his siblings (there were 8 of them and being seperated from them). All he wanted was his family. While I got the facts the first time, and was angry for what this young man went through, this time it was so overwhelming. I knew that Little Bug would change me, the process would change me. I am so grateful for Little Bug's first family, who knowing that adoption was the plan from day 1, opened their hearts and home to him. I want to be able to give a child enough love, that should the child be reunited with their parents, that they can say without a doubt " I was loved while I was in care". People say love does not fix everything, but I say it fixes more than we will ever know.
Well, I am off to bed- it has been a long day. Hopefully I will get some good pictures of Little Bug tomorrow- I think we are going to do something special for just us.
Love to you,
Momma Bug

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