Dear all-
A few days ago I posted a note about firends who had received devestating news on their adoption. They posted their entire story to a group I moderate. I asked if I could post their story out here so that others know the truth. If you want to post this your blog or to you congressman/senator- please do so. This should never be allowed to happen to a family.
This is Laura and Tim's journey to adopt Trinity:
Hello. My name is Laura Mullenax. I would like to present our adoption experience for your review. We believe that unethical practices and fraud are in place on the side of the facilitator and our Guatemalan attorney along with our contracted US adoption agency, A Field of Dreams, who involves us this situation and now the discrimination by AGAND and New Horizons.
Tim & Laura’s Adoption Adventure
(NOTE: some names have been changed or altered for this post)
We began our paperwork process in December 2004. After many hours of internet research, we decided to adopt internationally from Russia. We had our homestudy and applied for USCIS clearance. We had some money saved but soon realized we did not have near enough. So we had a garage sale in Feb 2005 and made $800.00!! We were thrilled!!! We signed with an agency, Kids to Adopt, to start our search for our new daughter. We found her (or so we thought) but Russia did not approve us due to an arrest on my criminal history. (I was arrested for possession of a firearm without a license @ the age of 19) So we changed countries to Ukraine (re-did paperwork)—all was going well. Then the NAC in Kiev closed for restructuring. So we ask for our dossier back mid August 2005, thinking that God had not meant for us to adopt.
On August 26th- Tim and I met for lunch to say “goodbye” to our dream of having a daughter. That same day, A Field of Dreams Adoption Services in Pennsylvania emailed us and asks would we be interested in a newborn baby girl in Guatemala. We thought this must be a sign—we are GOING to have a girl!! Yea! So once again, we jumped on board with contracts, agency fees, USCIS country change, and dossier changes. Our baby girl was born August 17, 2005. Her birth name is “Baby G” XYZ (later discovered her “real” last name was “ZXQ”)
We scurried around getting the funds together to send to AFOD ($15,300) for our newly referred baby girl. All was moving along until late October 2005, when it was discovered that the original lady claiming to be the birthmother was in fact “Baby G”s aunt. So for months Guatemalan “officials” searched for the real birthmother and found her without proper Guatemalan identification. In light of this, a new birth certificate was ordered for “Baby G” showing her last name as “ZXQ”. Once we had the correct birthmother, then we could have the required DNA testing performed. YEA—it matched. We finally are able to meet our five month old daughter for the first time in January 2006. (We actually traveled to Guatemala on my 35th birthday) WHAT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
In late February 2006, we received our pre-approval from the Embassy to proceed with the adoption process. We updated our homestudy and criminal history reports. And now the problems REALLY start--- our attorney quits our case and we are assigned a new one. (We were told our attorney, Javier Villatoro Morales (who spoke at Mary’s sentencing hearing recently), quit because I upset him by asking too many questions. (10/12/06 proven untrue)) We supposedly enter PGN (final court-YEA) on March 6, 2006 under a new POA for Vilma Desiree Zamora Perez.(she was recently arrested in part of the CQ raid) We decide to travel again to see our now seven month old daughter, just knowing she would be home shortly. But we decided to have our USCIS fingerprints redone before they expire in June 2006--just in case; we encountered some delays in PGN. Good thing we did because June came and went….then July…and we started demanding answers since we had been told in writing several times we were in PGN.
In April 2006, we were informed that PGN had issued a previo for our case. (We needed proof of financial stability.) We sent monthly budgets, past tax records and etc to Mary Bonn per her instructions. (Bad mistake later found out- for we are not rich or at least not in money terms)
On August 11, 2006 thanks to a wonderful lady named Pilar, we were able to communicate with PGN in Guatemala and found out there was NO record of our pending adoption case. On that dark Friday (8/11/06), we were heartbroken and furious all at the same time. Our agency was clueless and our Guatemalan facilitator, Mary Bonn was unresponsive; finally, on August 16th our facilitator admitted we were not in PGN—our attorney had not submitted us as thought. But our attorney promised she would submit our case within 15 days. On August 17th (“Baby G” 1st Birthday) Tim and I were in Dallas sitting in an attorney’s office discussing our options. The attorney declined to represent us because he owns an adoption agency.
Our Guatemalan attorney finally submitted our dossier to PGN on August 23, 2006 (only 5 months later than previously informed) But since that time, we have received threats not to push our Guatemalan attorney nor have another attorney step in to help or we will loose our referral—aka “Baby G”. So now after many months on this “adventure” and thousands of tears shed and dollars spent, we are still waiting to make this Guatemalan princess ours. Well, while we wait ---we re-file for USCIS clearance in Sept 2006. (New approval received in Oct 2006)
On October 6, 2006, we receive word that we were kicked out of PGN for signatures not matching on the Birthmother. Our agency’s facilitator will not confirm this, nor will she say how the attorney plans on proceeding.
On October 12, 2006, I emailed our original attorney, Javier in hopes of getting a few answers. I received an email back stating “one cannot help when the things are bad from the beginning and you are right that they have lied because they cannot tell them the truth”. Our agency’s facilitator, Mary Bonn will not answer emails from me or my agency.
On October 13, 2006, our agency finally speaks to Mary Bonn. Our agency was told to tell us not to call or email her. And that she knows we are receiving information from someone inside PGN, but the information is not accurate. Mary Bonn then tells our agency that she will refund all of our money on our adoption as soon as a new family is found. ????
When we ask our agency if Mary had ever stated what the problems in the case were, the answer was “The only thing that she has ever said to me is the attorney that she is now working with on your case is not a very fast one and takes her time. That’s all she ever told me. And that it was a problem case but never lets me know what the problem is”.
After months of chaos, we hired Attorney Brad Haskins in late October 2006. We are seeking answers for our adoption case. Money has never been the issue—we have always wanted our DAUGHTER. Mr. Haskins has spoken to our agency’s attorney numerous times without resolve.
Supposedly, November 23, 2006, our case is sent to Minors investigation court of PGN.
December 7th thru 12th, Tim, TJ (stepson) and I go to Guatemala for our third visit trip. “Baby G” was GREAT. Talking, walking, and giggling. What a joy! “Baby G” even started speaking in English. (She called Tim = Daddy and TJ “Bubba”) It was really funny; “Baby G” started saying “Thanks” in English instead of Gracias. But she said it like TJ did—Tha—n-k-s. The word thanks became a 4 syllable word. Before and during our trip, we requested a meeting with our attorney, Vilma Zamora Perez. (No luck) Mary Bonn stated via email that our attorney was unwilling to meet with us.
In January 2007—still no news from our agency or facilitator. But Mary Bonn announces she has a new daughter. (Hard to be happy for her when our daughter is hanging in the balance)
Week of January 16th—sent “care package” to “FosterMommy” for “Baby G”.
January 28, 2007, numerous attempts to contact Vilma Zamora Perez. No luck.
February 2007, Mary Bonn arrested for harboring an illegal alien in US. National news coverage. Told by agency that Mary Bonn was in Guatemala doing shooting photo packages. (WRONG--- in jail then out on bond)
February 5, 2007 –email from A Field of Dreams attorney.
“............. It appears that after having decided to place her child foradoption, that the birth mother has "gone to ground" and refused to signoff on the termination of her rights that would permit the adoption toproceed. Without that, we are at a halt. Therefore, your folks caneither request a new placement or wait and hope that the birth motherwill decide to cooperate. The latter choice sounds to me to be veryspeculative and possible to lead to a dead end, but if that is theirpreference, it is a choice they can make.............."February 5, 2007 –email I sent to AFOD
“We have been told that now --”Baby G”'s birthmother “Momma ZXQ” refuses to sign the documents necessary to proceed with the adoption. Is this true? If so, when did this take place? Is “Baby G” still in fostercare or is she with “Momma ZXQ”? (no reply)
February 9, 2007-- more problems—found out that our foster family has not been paid for over 5 months
February 10, 2007- received copies of checks paid by AFOD on our behalf. Mary Bonn = 3,000 USD and Rosalina Garcia= 9,000 USD.
March 2007- we have “battled” back and forth with AFOD and our attorney, Brad Haskins. Found out that our true attorney on the Guatemalan side of the adoption is Blanca Martinez. (Blanca has been banned from the US Embassy in Guatemala for fraudulent adoptions) Nice huh? Vilma our attorney on our signed Power of Attorney sent an email to us –introducing herself and stating she was paid 250.00 by Blanca Martinez for the use of her name on several adoption case files.
Various communications with officials and Foster family in Guatemala.
Late March 2007- A Field of Dream’s attorney states the legal charges against Mary Bonn are being dropped. (False—verified by court docket 4/2/2007)
April 9, 2007- Jen at AFOD- sends email stating “Laura,
IF you need any questions answered you will have to go through my attorney. You have started to work with one so you will have to go through him to get anything answered.
Jen Holdren” (which as of today, she no longer has an attorney representing her)
April 12, 2007—filmed short segment on CBS 19 news about our adoption.
Evening of 4/12/2007 found out via foster family that our daughter had been taken to a hogar in Guatemala City.
April 16, 2007—Tim and I fly out to Guatemala.
During our stay from 4/17 – 4/19 we found out:
(that the following people are involved in our adoption case)
Agency-- A Field of Dreams in PA
Facilitator-- Mary Bonn in FL & Sara Shore
True attorney-- Blanca Martinez in Guatemala aka Luz
POA signed for -- Javier Villatoro Morales in Guatemala
2nd POA for--Vilma Desiree Zamora Perez in Guatemala (poa signed after Javier quit case in Feb 2006
Sarai is a secretary for Blanca Martinez. Sarai currently has 6 months remaining in college before she receives her law degree. Sarai is the person who submits all of the paperwork for any adoption case. Sarai has a copy of “Baby G”'s birth paperwork and the paperwork from Puerto San Jose Guatemala for the supposed Birthmother. (all fake)
“FosterMommy” for “Baby G” for the past 20 months. “FosterMommy” was always paid for fostercare by Blanca Martinez and Mary Bonn until 7 months ago. Then no payments have been made except by us directly to “FosterMommy” via western union.
Lic. Patricia Leonardo-- An Attorney that has been "helping" Vilma on our case. (she was also arrested in the CQ raid)
Rosalina Garcia--$9,000 USD paid to this person via A Field of Dreams (Jen Holdren). CONFIRMED to be domestic help to Blanca Martinez. ($9,000 dollars to a MAID!!!!!!!)
Translator hired by us during trip
On Tues called the following people for a meeting at 9:00- 9:30 meeting am
Vilma (she told us she would be late. In Antigua so about 3:00 would be earliest arrival)
Lic Leonardo
“FosterMommy” arrived first. Crying and saying baby “Baby G”.....
Then Translator.........
Then walks in Sarai -- (unknown person) states she was here because Vilma could not make it. So we said OK...
Then Lic. Leonardo and her translator....
Leonardo and Sarai start "snapping" at each other in Spanish. Then translator tells us the paperwork for the Birthmother is a fake. It looks real even down to the State stamps on it ---but when you call Puerto San Jose then is NO record of that document. Mary Bonn had told us she helped the BM get her paperwork back in Nov 2005????
Translator, Sarai, “FosterMommy” and Tim and I ....went to the AGAND Hogar to see “Baby G” but unable to do so without permission from judge at Family Court.( But we did speak to the hogar about our situation. Meeting set up for Weds between her and Tim and I) So we go to the Family Court with Sarai doing all the talking. Unable to get permission slip because PGN has not released our file from there yet. So we call it a day and buy dinner for the group.
At 8:00 pm we receive a call from the desk of the Hotel--- Vilma is here. We talk about the meeting held earlier and she is surprised that Sarai L was there. States "She works directly with Blanca and then explains connection. We showed Vilma- “Baby G”'s original paperwork and she had never seen it before. We return to AGAND and speak with Mirna Vargas the next day. (she talks about abandonment, the fact that AGAND does not push for things to happen in an adoption- they will not "grease palms" for results and religion and tells we must be strong in our faith-for God will help us heal.)
Late April 2007
But long story short--- Birthmother is from Honduras. The courts believe “Baby G” is also from Honduras but unsure at this time. All paperwork for Mother and baby are fake. The birthmother’s paperwork “looks” real even down to the notary seals. But when the locality, that issued the documents, was contacted the locality has NO record of the person or the page in their files. “Baby G” is in AGAND hogar in Guatemala City until the court abandonment hearing in July. We are unable to do anything at this point..... We have been told by the Ministerio Publico Oficinide of Guatemala to break all contact with the players in our adoption case. Our daughter if deemed adoptable will remain in the hogar for a minimum of a year. If and when “Baby G” is available for adoption, Tim and I will then plead our story to the adoption board of the Hogar. (For the hogar only adopts to families in Minnesota and surrounding area via New Horizons Adoption Agency.) For that is another hurdle we must climb along with completing a new set of dossier papers. But for now we wait……..with hearts heavy hoping that the court hearing in July will give us direction.
May 2007The hardest month in our lives. We packed up “Baby G”’s nursery. Tim and I sat crying in the floor of “Baby G”’s room holding her toys. We donated her baby clothes, gave her crib and car seats to couples with newborn baby girls. Tim kept repeating ““Baby G” is our daughter no matter what” “She is a Mullenax!”
Have started communication with New Horizons. (they have a problem with us due to previous marriages)
June 2007
We have been very busy with other non-adoption things in order to keep our minds occupied and our hearts hidden.
We have stayed current on the Guatemalan adoption gossip front. We watch the news and boards for updates on the Mary Bonn case.
July 2007
Still trying to stay busy. We wonder how “Baby G” is. Tim and I each try to make the other laugh by doing “Baby G”’s ah-boo thing. During our second visit trip, “Baby G” was teething and she would cry and cry. Then she started this “ah-boo-oo” sound and cover her right eye and put her left arm up in the air. The action was very cute. And now Tim and I have the ah-boo thing to make us smile.
2nd abandonment hearing held.
August 2007
Our daughter turns 2 years old. We hope she had a joyous day. Hopefully, we will be able to spend the next one with you. J
October 2007
Mary Bonn finally sentenced to prison time. A Field of Dreams is claiming they have no responsibility in the problems with our adoption. (Even though AFOD paid money to a lady who definately is NOT an attorney and they employed Mary Bonn)?
Major movement in the US and Guatemalan sides of the adoption arena.
As of today, October 22nd, we are still awaiting word from Guatemala on the possibility of bringing our daughter home someday. We hope and pray that our nightmare will someday turn back into our dream. We try to remember “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)
October 29, 2007
Informed that court hearing held on Oct 16 regarding "Baby G" custody was decided. The children's home was given custody. They must attempt to place "Baby G" with a domestic adoption. (Meaning a Guatemalan family) The court order does not place a time limit on this attempt. But if no domestic adoption is acceptable then the home will need to place the "Baby G" with an international adoption with us as the first choice. Once again we wait......................................................and wait.
Since Blanca Martinez /Vilma Zamora Perez /Javier Villatoro Morales(original attorney group) never requested for us to be linked to "Baby G"/ aka Trinity at the start of the abandonment process- we are NOT part of the adoption process. But because we convinced PGN to mention us as a family for Trinity, we were named as the family option for an international adoption for Trinity.
During the hearing in Oct- AGAND was given custody of Trinity for a domestic adoption. But AGAND has went back to the Judge and requested the removal of the words "domestic adoption" so they could place her internationally. And yes, AGAND and New Horizons are both very aware of us and our desire to adopt Trinity.
On November 13th, we receive an email stating "she has been placed with a family"
The "family" is an international adoption. But the family is not us. So after 2.5 years of fighting and holding on to our daughter, Trinity, she is no longer our daughter. (at least in the eyes of the adoption world) But in our hearts and minds, she is still our daughter. For we cannot erase 2 years of memories and 3 visit trips to Guatemala to see her.
Additional things I thought I might mention to you.:
1. AGAND knew about us from the beginning of the abandonment process. For Tim and I went to Guatemala (April 17-19 2007) just days after Trinity was placed in their hogar from private foster care. We visited the hogar in person and spoke to Mirna. During our visit we viewed photos of Trinity, talked about the events of our adoption under AFOD/Mary Bonn, ask what would happen now, how to proceed and prayed with her. We were told AGAND only works an adoption after the abandonment process was complete and since the custody of Trinity was so new, AGAND knew nothing about her yet.
2. We spoke with the foster mother about the medical care Trinity had received in the past. (ie checkups and shot records) We forwarded this information to AGAND via telephone while in Guatemala during the April 2007 visit.
3. AGAND was left with the following items about us:
1 copy of our 2006 homestudy
1 copy of our contact information (home address/ telephone #s/ passport # and etc)
1 copies of each of our passports (Tim's and mine)
1 copy of our I-171H (current that the time)
1 faxed copy of our marriage license (per AGAND's request--My Mother faxed to Guatemala)
1 faxed copy of each birth certificates (per AGAND's request--My Mother faxed to Guatemala)
1 suitcase of clothes for Trinity and a couple of toys.
4. We even joined the Sponsor A Child program with New Horizons for AGAND. (a program where the sponsor sends money for the care of a child in the hogar. And in return you get a photo and a little background information. But we have not received anything although the checks were cashed. The most recent check on 11/14/07.)
But the main point of all this past 2.5 years is due to the corruption and deception we experienced with our agency, Mary Bonn and her associates, the Guatemalan attorneys and now the betrayal and discrimination of AGAND & New Horizons, our daughter, Trinity, will NEVER come home to us. Imagine the death of your own children and then think that at least you had the chance to say goodbye or at least you know where they are buried. For Tim and I, we will never have that chance because Trinity will never remember or know of us but we will be haunted by her memory for the rest of our lives.
Tim & Laura Mullenax
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” --Elie Wiesel
Please pray for this situation- please pray for Tim and Laura.
"We HOPE that our story will help another family not travel down oursame road.On a personal note- We hope for closure. We hope for grace and peace".Laura
Monday, November 19, 2007
Trinity's story- follow up to my post from last week
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8:38 PM
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1 comment:
I am praying so hard for Tim and Laura. I was with the same agency and she did NOTHING to help me. Only tried to make things worse.
Laura, If you read this and there is anything that I can do, just let me know.
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