Saturday, February 21, 2009

Playing with Friends

Before we get to the pictures of our play time with friends tonight- here is a flash back to just over 2 years ago.

Yep, Bug got a scooter. I confess when I first saw this picture, my heart stopped. I was screaming in side "he is too little, he is just a baby". But, I knew that Popi, Mireya and the girls would keep him safe. Look how tiny he is, such a little boy. Fast forward- 2 years, 1 week and a different country to this!!!

Same toy, bigger boy. All I can think now "Bug, you are too big for that scooter". It took him almost the entire night to find this toy, but I saw it as soon as we walked into the house. Amazing the signs and coincidences in our lives.

See how much more interesting this is when you lay down on it - leave it to a boy to try this.

We spent the evening with friends. Dave and I belonged to the same singles group after college. His wife, Sherriann (they were not married then) moved to town the same time I left to go to Michigan.
They live on the other side of town- I live on the northwest side, they live on the southeast side. To get to their house, by the fastest route, I have to go across the river into another state and then come back across the river and it still takes me 45 minutes to get there.

Bug had a great time playing with Dave and Sherriann's boys- J who is 7 and B who is almost 4. Bug is about 4 months younger than B, but he stands half a head taller.

J on the floor, Bug running up to him and B following. See the height difference??

They wore themselves out. We left at 8 pm- Bug's bed time. I knew if we stayed longer, Bug would get over tired and that is one of the triggers that causes him to lash out by biting. So rather than have him bite J or B or ME, we left.

As we were driving home, Bug said the following:
"Momma, I like Susi, she loves me"
"Momma, I like the girls, they love me"
So Susi, Karla and Nigua- you were in Bug's thoughts tonight. I hope that you are well and that Bug's love reaches across the miles and warms your heart.
Love to you,

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