Thursday, August 7, 2008

Precious, just precious

tonight while doing our bedtime routine, Bug repeated the prayer I was saying. This is the first time he has ever repeated any part of the prayer. I don't pray a rote prayer, I pray about our day, thanking Jesus for friends and family and I pray for good rest. Bug repeated every part of the prayer except the resting part.

My heart just melted.

Love to you,

PS- Bug is doing fine- thanks for all the prayers. His head is bruising very nicely- it is already turning black and blue. But after this morning, he kept telling us that his head did not hurt- so not Motrin for him. This is good news. thanks again for prayers and good thoughts for him.

Love and hugs to you,


Julie said...

Deb -
So sorry to hear about Bug, but oh so glad everything is OK. I'm so glad you posted at the beginning of your post that he was OK. We've been thinking about you guys.

Derek and Jennifer said...

That's one of the things that melts my heart! To hear our kids talking or singing to God - absolutley precious!!!

So glad he's doing better today.