Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend pictures

In no particular order since blogger has it's own idea of how to load them.

Saturday morning- we took our car in for servicing- while there, we looked at the cars on the showroom floor. Little Bug though this was the coolest car there. I think because Momma just had to lift him into it rather than opening doors. For dinner on Saturday, we headed to Chipotle's. Little Bug eat 3!!!!!! Yes, I said 3 soft tacos. My boy was hungry.
bedtime tonight- showing off his new PJs- this is the front
This is the back- he was in heaven that he had MEME PJs. The red and black items around his ankles are soft hair things that hold up the PJs so he is always walking on the non skid feet instead of the fabric.PJs on Friday night- fire trucks and police cars- also a big hit with the Little Bug. he has discerning taste in his PJs.

Dinner on Friday- Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I was worried about this one. Little Bug did not like soup when he first came home, but he loved this meal. his words "NUMMMY" Friday night I decided that it was time to get the annuals out of the flower bed. notice the petunias spreading into the side walk area- Little Bug can not even ride his car on the sidewalk.
After the petunias were removed (along with the grass that had grown into the garden). The brown area on the sidewalk is where the petunia spread out to. I think next year, I will keep the petunias in the flower bed- not use them as border plant. For those of you who are gardeners and are saying- why did she leave the dusty millers in the garden- I learned in Michigan that they will actually over winter- so they are staying in and I will watch them next year.
Little Bug running through the yard after we finished cleaning up the garden. he has mittens on because he wanted to help in the garden and I did not have garden gloves small enough for him.
And finally, for those of you wondering what my dad's back looks like- this is it. 6 stitches and way more staples. He is home now and is doing much better. We spent this afternoon with him watch our local football team lose. I ordered pizza for them and we had a great time hanging out.

Well, I am heading off to bed- it has been a long weekend.
Love to you,
Momma Bug


Anonymous said...

Deb, He's so darn cute! Love the pj's.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That boy can eat!!! Love the pic of him eating the taco. Too cute. I love the new PJ's. Your dad's back looks like it is healing well.